Oscar ballots are due today (for those who actually get to vote), so even though I haven't seen a few contenders, I figured I'd throw out my top ten of the year as if I had to submit them today.
10. District 9 - Realistic, thought-provoking alien movie. Great look into the human condition.
9. Public Enemies - Nothing we haven't seen before story-wise, but a very well done movie by Michael Mann, staring the always-great Johnny Depp.
8. Avatar - I liked it, I really did. But story and characters matter more to me than anything. So, yes, Avatar is an absolute game changer in the movie world for it's visuals, but everything else was only good, not great.
7. Precious - This is this year's tear-jerker and it deserves to win not only best supporting actress (which it is favored to) but also best lead actress.
6. Star Trek - I rewatched this on DVD and, yes, it's that good. I know it probably won't get the best picture nomination, but I'd love to see it score an adapted screenplay nomination.
5. Up in the Air - One of those movies you could watch over and over again. Jason Reitman seems to have developed a knack for that rather quickly. It's probably not ambitious enough to win best picture and it didn't pull me in enough to rank any higher on my list, but I really like it.
4. Zombieland - I'm surprised this hasn't been getting more buzz. This is a better, more original comedy than The Hangover. It's not even about the zombies. It's about unique characters, who happened to have survived a zombie apocalypse. It's a character comedy, posing as a spoof. Sorry, Shaun of the Dead, you are no longer the best zombie-comedy.
3. The Hurt Locker - In all honesty, this is probably the movie that "should" win best picture. It's gritty, compelling, and reaches a wide range of movie goers. It also has a very strong chance of providing the first best director win to a female director. Though the Golden Globes showed Avatar may be another Titanic for James Cameron.
2. Inglourious Basterds - Tarantino - genius - 'nuff said.
1. (500) Days of Summer - Like Zombieland, I can't believe this show isn't being elevated as a serious contender this awards season. Original, funny, heartfelt, superbly acted, wonderfully written, (500) Days of Summer is the best movie of 2009.