Saturday, April 7, 2007

Run, Lola, Run

I believe this is my first post of a movie I had already seen. It was also the first movie I watched using Netflix's "watch now" feature, so that was pretty cool. I rarely rewatch movies anymore, but it had probably been five years since I first saw this one.

Lola's boyfriend calls her saying he needs 100,000 marks (they're German) in 20 minutes or he's a dead man. Thanks to writer/director Tom Tykwer, she gets three, instant replay style attempts to save him. Each time through illustrates, in no subtle fashion, how large an impact minor things can have. For example, if Lola is delayed by two seconds, it can be the difference between catching up to someone or missing them entirely.

Run, Lola, Run is nearing it's 10 year anniversary, but it still pops with bold originality and earns its spot in the IMDb top 250 (currently #163 all-time).

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