Saturday, January 10, 2009


Though I suppose it should have been obvious beforehand, I never would have guessed how apt the title of this movie was.  Think Ali/Frazier or, more appropriately, Balboa/Creed, because Frost/Nixon is essentially an underdog boxing movie.
Frank Langella is captivating as Richard Nixon and will give Sean Penn and Mickey Rourke a serious run for their money in the best actor race. He is nearly as mesmerizing as the late Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.  He walks a delicate line, creating a Nixon that invokes pity without letting him off the hook for his crimes.
After his turn as Tony Blair in The Queen and now as the calmly charismatic David Frost, I'd love to see Michael Sheen take on a more emotionally challenging role to test his mettle.
I don't think this movie has enough to go all the way, but it's a good show.

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