Sunday, March 11, 2007


Expectations definitely play a role in how you view a movie. I was fortunate enough to have my outrageous expectations for 300 tempered by reactions like Rebekah's. So I got, more or less, what I was expecting: pure action. Normally, this would not be near enough for me, but it was so spectacularly beautiful that I really enjoyed it.

As fantastic as the story seems, one must remember that, more or less, it really happened. The Spartans WERE that rabid about warfare. 300 Spartans DID lead a Greek force against a 200,000 plus strong Persian force. [A contemporary newspaper article called the stand at the Alamo, a modern day Thermopylae]. Even some of the quotes in the movie are historically recorded.

So, unfortunately, there is no real depth here, but at the same time, it offers many things we have never seen before and is worth seeing because of them. This, along with its brother, Sin City, will likely become visual mile-markers in film history.

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