Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cars, or Disney/Pixar Again Fails to Disappoint

Cars has been on my list for a while to see, and is one selection that is of very poor quality on peekvid.com. I've had it from Netflix for several weeks, and last night I finally watched it. It was about that time that I decided to make it a personal goal to watch one new movie I haven't seen each day this spring break starting with Cars. I have been slacking, big time.

I believe The Incredibles was the last Disney/Pixar movie that I saw, and it was endearing, hilarious, and everything we have come to expect from this collaborative group. I didn't expect as much from Cars, and was pleasantly surprised.

Don't get me wrong, Cars is no Incredibles, but it's very, very good. There were several times when I laughed aloud... alone in my room... and felt like a huge nerd. For example, at one point Lightning McQueen and Mater go tractor-tipping. Hilarious. The story itself was also just plain good. There were more plot threads than in many comparable movies, and each was developed just enough to let them blend effortlessly. Keep up the good work, guys at Disney and Pixar!

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