Saturday, January 13, 2007

Diamonds are Forever. James Bond is not.

So, last night I watched Diamonds Are Forever, one of the laterish Connerys. After seeing Connery in both Dr. No and Diamonds are Forever, I offically declare Daniel Craig to be the James Bond. I have seen my share of Bonds - Die Another Day, Octopussy (seriously folks... Octopussy?), Moonraker, Tomorrow Never Dies, the aforementioned and Casino Royale. Diamonds did nothing but confirm all assumptions and generalizations I have made about Bond movies (with of course, the exception of Casino Royale). One woman's name was Plenty O'Toole, and guess what - they were referring to her chest. Enough said.

How on earth has this franchise lasted so long? Watching last night actually gave me a much bigger appreciation of Casino Royale (which was already good). Diamonds got boring early, and at many points was trite and just plain dumb.

I do understand and appreciate a few more Austin Powers jokes now... so there's that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.