Sunday, December 21, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire is ridiculously good.

As amazing as Milk was, and before that The Dark Knight, Slumdog Millionaire has officially unseated them both for the title of My Favorite Movie of 2008... for the time being, haha.

Richie has already voiced many of my thoughts. The story structure was amazing. We followed Jamal through his arrest and torture by Indian police. As he is with them, they watch his entire show on Millionaire, and for each question, he uses an anecdote (flashback) to explain how he knew the answer. It's a great story. It did lack some character development, but I still loved it.

I've never seen a movie's soundtrack contribute so much. The songs used and the original score both contributed SO much to the mood and tempo of the movie. That soundtrack will be purchased immediately. And thoroughly enjoyed.

There won't be any acting awards for this, and I'm not sure if it qualifies for the Best Original Score (but it SHOULD). Directing and cinematography would be my best bet. I'm sure there will be a Best Picture Nom, and I'd support that, but we'll have to wait and see how heavyweights like The Wrestler and Revolutionary Road compare.

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